Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 1 - Jan 5, 2008

It was a good flight across the pond. Getting sleep was key because we hit the ground running after a six hour flight. We arrived at about 8 a.m. and boarded the bus for a tour that took us by St. Pauls, Harrods, London Tower, Lloyds of London, Buckingham Palace, and Westminster. After a quick check in at the hotel, we were off to London via Underground after a briefing from Dean Trifts. First stop - Picadilly Circus. From there, everyone was able to get acquainted with the city on their own.


  1. Day 1: Plane and Bus Tour
    We left Bryant University on Sunday at 4 p.m. and arrived at hte airport at 5:30. It was really hectic at the airport because there wer over 60 of us trying to check our bags all at the tsame time, and keeping track of everyone was a hassle. Finally, we got through security and ate dinner. The plane left at 8:20 p.m. The plane ride was very interesting because there was a diverse group of people all going to London in that Plane. We found our that there were at least two other student groups aboard. I slept most of the flight and when I woke up we were landing. After getting our bags and getting through customs, the two groups immediately departed for a bust tour of the city. I'm sure it would have been much more intrriguing and exctiting if every single one of us wasn't sleep deprived. I tried to stay awake for the tour, but I ended up falling asleep after lunch. It was a very long, restless 48 hours, but I gained some good experiences because it was the first time I've travelled to Europe without my family.
    Brie Schwarz

  2. Day 1: Bus Tour
    Upon our arrival at Londodn's Heathrow airport, many of us were surpirsed to see just as much snow on the ground as back home. The frigid air was a bit of a "wake up call" for us as we departed the plane and took a shuttle to the arrivals terminal. After going through customs, I was relieved to find both of my bags had arrived as well. Once everyone had their stuff, we boarded two buses for a London City tour. during hte first half of my trip, I was able to photography places like Westminster Abbey, Parliament, Big Ben, The London Eye, and Buckingham Palace. Then, when we broke for lunch, my friends and I decided to immediately indulge in hte classic British meal of fish and chips. On the second leg of our bus tour, it seemed as though jet lag was kicking in and most of our group fell asleep. Although this was a long tour right after a seemingly sleepness night, it was a great opportunity for us to familiarize ourselves iwth the city. Cheers!
    Arielle Katz
    Marlborogh, MA

  3. The London bus tour was very interesting. It was a good introdcution to London. We got a brief overview of the different attractions. The only downside of the tour was that everyone was extremely tired and ended up falling asleep during the tour. Most people were able to make it to lunch without falling asleep, but after lunch it was "lights out." I woke up after lunch when my friend who was sitting next to me, was snoring and woke me up. I then looked in front of me and saw Ramesh and Chris asleep. Then, I turned around and saw that everyone whose face I coul see was asleep. Taht stop the tour guide from going on and telling his bad jokes.
